Due to your wonderful example of journalistic integrity, I have felt empowered to influence my democracy by publishing a suspect exit poll in as many places on the Internet as I can possibly manage during the morning of the next significant primary election. The poll will have no source reference other than "media sources," no cited margin of error, no cited sample size--in fact no cited internals or proof of any kind that I didn't just make up the numbers by rearranging Rush' Xanax prescription code.
I promise that after the actual vote totals come in, I will completely forget to say anything about the poll's provenance, accuracy, or internals later, nor speculate about whether it may have had a distorting influence on the election, media coverage, and turnout. I will take no responsibility for any of this--and will actually completely forget about it afterward.
Thanks very much for inspiring me and showing me that I can have an effect on our glorious democratic process.